Architecture is a language, an attitude and an icon that reflects, transforms the sociopolitical world into physical space. We believe architects have to be visionaries which always have the dream to make a better world. Our lifelong effort is to turn the dream into reality. Thinking outside the box, pushing the boundary of architecture are our mission. We believe the power of imagination and great achievements always come with how we could think differently, providing creative solutions to our clients and greater society. We strive to create interesting space, memorable moments, as well as a more sustainable architecture. We keep ask ourselves whether there is a way to achieve a balance between the natural majesty and the dynamic modernity of our cities.
A Green New Deal, US-Mexico Border
What if we create a 2,000 miles Green Corridor rather than building 2,000 miles of Wall? A series of study and investigation we did shows that except disconnecting people the border wall will also disrupt wildlife refuges, threaten diverse landscapes and exacerbate flooding. This political action of building a WALL reflects the bureaucratic and hierarchical structure we all face in today’s modern society. What is the ideal society we are looking for? Can we have a society that has maximum democracy and freedom, minimum socioeconomic inequality? With those questions, we proposed A GREEN NEW DEAL-a future building as a point of departure that can take down the fences and create a 2,000 miles green corridor for US-Mexico border, a public space where people from both sides could meet with each other, exchange their culture and ideas, establishing a binational third place.